Chinese Gaming Company Names AI Robot As CEO.

Chinese Gaming Company Names AI Robot As CEO.
Photo by Possessed Photography / Unsplash

This has been a darn good week for robots. Elon Musk’s new pet project of creating a lifelike robot that will be able to work on a Tesla assembly line is getting closer and closer to reality, and now something even more futuristically unbelievable; a virtual human, aka a robot, has been named CEO of a Chinese mobile game company called NetDragon Websoft.

Ms. Tang Yu moved into the big office on August 26th, and unlike every other CEO on the planet, she won’t have to take weekends off, waste time going to HR meetings, or demand any ridiculous perks like a car allowance, stock options, or free use of a company plane.

Ms. Tang Yu will now oversee risk management

The company released a statement saying Tang Yu will support decision-making with daily operations, and it looks like she’ll be overseeing the risk-management system.  

Her AI talents will also be helpful as a real-time data center and analytics tool for the board of directors compromised of living, breathing human beings.

Photo by Campaign Creators / Unsplash

If you think a robot in the C-suite is a gimmick or anomaly, don’t say it to the founder of NetDragon, Dr. Dejian Liu.

“We believe AI is the future of corporate management, and our appointment of Ms. Tang Yu represents our commitment to truly embrace the use of AI to transform the way we operate our business and ultimately drive our future strategic growth" - Dr. Dejian Liu

Will AI replace CEOs?

Ai is now moving up rapidly in the world, with businesses recognizing its potential to assist in workforce management and planning.

Organizations are turning to automation to remain competitive in the new economy to eliminate manual effort and replace it with more efficient processes driven by artificial intelligence. They’re also looking for methods to utilize AI better to improve how they use employee data.

Photo by Romain V / Unsplash
“Looking forward, we will continue to expand on our algorithms behind Tang Yu to build an open, interactive, and highly transparent management model as we gradually transform into a metaverse-based working community, which will enable us to attract a much broader base of talents worldwide and put us in a position to achieve bigger goals.” - Dr. Dejian Liu

By 2025, 60% of large businesses and mid-size firms will be using cloud-deployed HCM suites for administrative and talent management.

Will AI fill in the gaps?

However, even if you remove these gaps entirely using HR software, most organizations will still need to get 20-30% of their HCM needs from other solutions.

Most of the invested money will be used for the company’s fundamental HR administration, HR service management (HRSM), talent management, and workforce management functions.

Photo by Christina @ / Unsplash

However, business executives are actively engaged in determining how to properly analyze and exploit the data that is accessible through their HCM platforms, particularly in terms of operational planning from a financial modeling standpoint.

Many company executives could not have foreseen the global coronavirus pandemic’s wide-scale challenges.

However, the significant changes in how employees must operate have shed light on the necessity of optimizing efficiency in everything from staff to data and forecasting processes within corporate workforce planning.

Ai may even move into the public sector

The rapid growth of AI in the public sector recognizes that more efficiency can be gained from services by deploying this technology.

Although many organizations are confronted with the twin challenges of finding the appropriate data science and analytics talent to drive these initiatives forward and incorporating AI-assisted processes into their existing workflows.

White robot human features
Photo by Alex Knight / Unsplash

As AI continues to advance, it will be able to do more and more tasks that were once reserved for humans.

One of the most important roles in any organization is workforce management. With AI-enabled workforce management software tools, you can gain back some time by leveraging machine intelligence rather than human intelligence when managing your employees’ schedules or tracking their performance.


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All rights belong to Valuetainment which is solely responsible for all content.

This article originally appeared in Will She Have To Follow HR Rules? Chinese Gaming Company Names AI Robot As CEO.

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